Renew/Join the NC Gourd Society

Begin or renew your membership in the NC Gourd Society (NCGS), the Alpha Chapter of the American Gourd Society. NCGS is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation in NC. All of the proceeds support the educational work of the Society and helps fund the yearly NC Gourd Arts and Crafts Festival in November. The NCGS is 100% run by volunteers with no paid staff.
Your membership includes:
- four NC Gourd Society newsletters each year (via email),
- free admission to the Festival ($5 for nonmembers),
- free entry to the gourd competition at the annual Festival ($20 for nonmembers)
- voting for officers, by-law changes, etc., as described in the bylaws,
- email invitations to the virtual quarterly meetings,
- and the opportunity to serve as an officer of the NC Gourd Society.
In addition, membership in NCGS is required to take classes at our annual NC Gourd Arts & Crafts Festival.

The charge is $15 per person for a 1-year membership. You can pay for multiple years for example: $30 for a 2-year membership. New memberships will start once payment is received and lasts for the interval paid. Renewing membership extends your current membership for one year or for the number of years renewed. If you have any questions about membership such as your expiration date, please email [email protected].
Click here to download the membership form.
Pay either online via PayPal or mail a check to our Treasurer. Send email to for the mailing address.
Pay online by clicking on the PayPal link below. Payment will be made from your PayPal account directly to the NC Gourd Society account. If you don’t want to login to PayPal, you can pay by credit or debit card.