Competition Information and Entry Form
Competition Entry Deadline August 31, 2025
The North Carolina Gourd Society is the alpha chapter of the American Gourd Society (AGS). Our annual competition is judged by AGS certified judges.
Festival Theme: “Happy Holidays”

Steps for entering the competition
- Consider joining NCGS for $15 here; otherwise, a $20 fee is charged per person for nonmembers in Divisions I (Grower), IV (Intermediate), and V (Advanced). To verify membership, please contact our Membership Chair at NCGourdSociety.Membership at
- Read
click here
the competition information packet. This document explains all the rules.
- Choose which Division(s) (I, II, III, IV, V, or VI) you will be entering. Read the descriptions carefully to ensure you pick the correct division(s).
- Select the competition categories in your chosen division(s). Each division has several categories and you may enter all of them! Only one entry per person per category is allowed.
- Click here to open the entry form. Print it, fill it out and submit it one of three ways (email, mail, or bring it to the festival).
- Select your entry method. There are THREE ways to enter. We recommend either emailing or mailing the forms prior to the festival. This will avoid delays when dropping off entries at the festival and allow sufficient time for the staging of the competition and the creation of entry tags.
- Email – Scan the form and email it to satwood55 at by August 31, 2025.
- U.S. mail – Mail the form to Stan Atwood, 1002 Black Oak Court, Apex, NC 27502. Forms must be RECEIVED by August 31, 2025.
- Walk-in – Bring the form to the festival on Friday, September 5, between 5 pm and 7 pm.
Note: Walk-in entries may not be accepted on Saturday.
- Bring your gourds to the festival during drop-off times.
- Drop off times are Friday, September 5, from 5 pm – 7 pm and Saturday, September 6, from 7:30 am – 8:30 am.
All entries brought on Saturday should be pre-registered via email or U.S. mail to the competition chair. If there are long lines, we may have to deny walk-in registration on Saturday. - Remove or cover any names or other identifying personal information on the item. Initials are acceptable.
- Have each of your entries photographed by our photographer before attaching the competition tag.
- For each item, the festival will provide an entry tag which must be attached. After judging, the exhibitor’s name will be uncovered on the entry tag. A standard business card may be placed on competitive exhibits after judging.
- Be sure that your gourds are checked in, photographed, and tagged before judging begins at 9 am Saturday.
- Drop off times are Friday, September 5, from 5 pm – 7 pm and Saturday, September 6, from 7:30 am – 8:30 am.

Thanks for entering the competition and enjoy the festival!!

(919) 215-3399, satwood55 at